aao projectors meet with international


Brightness/ansi lumens

ISO/IEC 21118 Clause B.2.2

Testing the light output measurement
The illuminance meter must be placed on the focal plane to measure the illuminance
As shown in the image, screen illuminance level measurements must be taken at 9 points in a 100 % full-white pattern image. Further, screen illuminance level measurements must be taken at 9 points in a 0 % full-black pattern image.
The measurement field shall be at least 3 pixels by 3 pixels. The contrast ratio must be expressed as the average of 9-point full-white pattern measurements (in lux) to the average of 9-point full-black pattern measurements (lux). Shall meet aao specification’s requirement or ≥ 80% claims.

True Contrast ratio

ISO/IEC 21118 Clause B.2.3x

Testing the contrast ratio
Brightness (black level) and contrast (video gain) adjustments must be made in such a manner that all the eight greyscale steps of the greyscale test pattern specified by IEC 61947-1:2002[2] are visible as shown in Figure
The illuminance meter must be placed on the focal plane to measure the illuminance. As shown in the image, screen illuminance level measurements must be taken at 9 points in a 100% full-white pattern image.
The measurement field shall be at least 3 pixels by 3 pixels. The average of the nine readings in lux (lumens per square metre) shall be multiplied by the number of square metres covered by the image at the plane of the meter readings. Shall meet aao specification’s requirement or ≥ 80% claims.

Native resolution Testing

native resolution vs supported resolution

Resolution is defined as the number of pixels (i.e., individual points of color) used to create an image on a projecting image. It’s expressed as the number of pixels on the horizontal axis by the number on the vertical axis. The higher the resolution of a projector, the more pixels it depicts in images.
Something else to consider is a projector’s “supported resolution,” this is taken to refer to the highest signal resolution that a projector is built to process and display. When the resolution of the content doesn’t match the native resolution of a projector, “scaling” occurs. This is when the projector adjusts the picture to match the native resolution.
In aao lab, we build a projector with native resolution, and we tell our aao fans with native resolution.
Contact aao team for starting a business of a well-performed projector
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